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Positive Contributions to Society

Davidson Fellows are students under the age of 18 who have accomplished a significant piece of work in science, mathematics, technology, music, literature and/or philosophy.  The Davidson Fellows’ projects also must have the potential make a positive contribution to society. During the past three years, 41 Davidson Fellows have been recognized by the Davidson Institute and awarded individual scholarships of $50,000, $25,000 or $10,000. 

Some of the benefits to society made by these students’ projects include:


  • Identifying the relationship of specific proteins in the human immune system in order to develop more effective treatments for HIV patients
  • Developing new methods for treating yeast infections, which cause serious threats to patients with weakened immune systems
  • Utilizing techniques of past master composers to develop a unique signature musical style 
  • Calculating better engineering methods in order to decrease safety risks for workers in the bulk material industry
  • Discovering new properties of clay adhesion to polymers in order to increase control of durability and permeability of surfaces and packaging
  • Analyzing gene expression regulation to find new treatments for control of rheumatoid arthritis

2002 and 2001

  • Identifying antibodies that can extend the life of terminal cancer patients by retarding the spread of malignant tumors
  • Developing an algorithm that can ease Internet traffic congestion, increase the rate of data transmission, and increase data storage in handheld and wireless devices
  • Developing computational analysis which led to a breakthrough in human genome research
  • Documenting mathematical modeling of gasoline sprays to reduce automobile emissions
  • Creating musical performances and compositions exhibiting extraordinary talent and depth of emotion
  • Developing literary works in poetry, short stories and other genres displaying advanced knowledge of writing styles and self-expression
  • Utilizing the herb fenugreek as a cost-effective, safe and natural way to preserve fruits and vegetables, and as a non-toxic water purifier
  • Exploring advanced graph theories with potential applications in communication networks, robotic vision systems and expansion of the Internet
  • Developing new approaches to a 10-year-old combinational geometry problem with broad implications in the study of illumination and the abstract shape of space


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Davidson Institute for Talent Development
9665 Gateway Drive, Suite B
Reno, Nevada 89521
Fax: 775-852-2184